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Students Worldwide Are Learning How To Excel In School From Home | the failing public school system | public school

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Students Worldwide Are Learning How To Excel In School From Home

Today, children are expected to earn high grades in all of their classes, in spite of the failing public school system. Parents can still remember when an education was essential in preparing children for their livelihood. 

Now what many public school systems offer is overcrowded classrooms. Teachers are being grossly underpaid for their skills and overworked. Outdated learning material, metal detectors, violence, cuts in federal spending for education... 

Remedial help is sorely needed for some students so they can keep up. If a child can't receive the education they deserve, how are they expected to prosper in society? Parents, students, and the public school systems already know that this is a huge problem, but who can they turn to for help? 

More and more parents are turning to tutoring to supplement their children's education and to further their children's abilities to be successful in the future. 

Tutoring is a $5 Billion business that is growing steadily. Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2012, supplemental educational services are funded by school districts with a portion of their allocation from the U.S. Department of Education. 

The Federal Government allocates as much as $1900 per eligible student, but so far, less than 10 percent of eligible students are electing to participate, according to providers' estimates. 

One of the toughest challenges is simply convincing parents that the service is free to them. Parents will often hang up when sales reps for tutoring firms call to explain the program. 

They think it is a scam because "free" usually means too good to be true. And sometimes parents simply don't want to acknowledge that their child needs help. Parents have been known to ask "What's wrong with my child that he needs to be tutored?" 

In spite of these challenges, online tutoring, or Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate. IDL is where a student receives live, one-on-one tutoring in a virtual classroom setting or in large group sessions over a video conferencing system. 

Students who have access to a computer at home or in school can log in to the system and have a live tutor help them day or night. Subjects like Math, English, Calculus, World History, Latin, French, Chemistry, Physics and many others can be taught to them by certified tutors/teachers. 

And there are online tutoring systems that even supply their own courseware library, featuring some of the finest programmed learning courses in computer sciences, management and academic subjects. 

Children who receive one-on-one remedial tutoring have been known to have increased self-esteem and self confidence, increased focus and lengthened attention span. 

My advice to parents everywhere is to find an online tutoring system that focuses on academic remedial courses for ages K-12, as well as for college students. 

Why not give your child the best chance at passing each class with the help he or she needs? There's federal money allocated for the parents to provide online remedial help for their children. Also, parents are able to schedule tutoring sessions to fit into their time schedule. 

Getting An Online Masters Degree | high school | the joy of learning an online masters | your online masters degree at home

Getting An Online Masters Degree

What seems like a very long time ago you left high school and entered college where you completed your bachelor program. You found a job in your industry of choice, married your childhood sweetheart and started raising your family. Despite your many long years of experience and loyalty you notice that your company is bringing in a whole new batch of people who have completed their graduate degrees and now many of them have moved to higher positions within the organization. 

You know what you have to do, go back to school and get your graduate degree but how could you ever imagine leaving work and your family to head off to university for four years? You can’t. Luckily you don’t have to anymore. You can take get an online graduate degree through a distance learning program. As long as you have the willingness to learn, the ability to learn independently and a modem on your computer you are ready to go and get it. 

You can learn and work on your online masters degree at home after the kids are gone to bed. Instead of watching another rerun on television you go online to learn and study. As far as costs go taking an online graduate program qualifies you for a series of low-cost loans and tax deductions. You may even be able to get your employer to pay part of your costs because they will also benefit from your improved skills and knowledge. 

Best of all you can learn anywhere you have an Internet connection. At home, at the office after work, or at the local library at lunchtime. 

You pick the space and the time and go online to learn. Some people create a home office or study area and as long as you are comfortable it will work for you. Develop a regular routine that allows you to get your study done and your assignments e-mailed in on time and you will be well on your way to your online masters degree. 

In addition to the joy of learning an online masters degree makes you more valuable to your employer. The Unites States Census reported that on average a person with a master’s degree is about $12,000 per year higher than those with only a bachelor's degree. So that’s why all those younger guys are getting more money than you. 

Soon you can demand and get that kind of money, so get to work and study hard. Your future and your salary may depend on it. 

An Education in Saving on Textbooks | online booksellers | obtaining books via online

An Education in Saving on Textbooks

Every year students flock to the college bookstore to purchase the various textbooks that they require for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doing so, they are throwing good money away. As unbelievable as it may seem textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much, if not more, than tuition.

On the surface the college bookstore may seem like a convenient source for textbooks. Titles are usually in-stock and students may purchase new textbooks or opt for the cheaper alternative of used books. In truth the money saved by purchasing used textbooks from the college bookstore is only a fraction of the amount that students could be saving if they shopped online.

More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at a considerable discount off of the cover price. In fact, many major booksellers now have special areas of their web sites that are devoted to selling nothing but textbooks. Online used bookstores are another source for college books as they stock a large number of textbooks, which means sizable savings for students. There are also web-based retailers whose inventory is entirely devoted to college books.

Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they browse. Instead, they should investigate the alternatives offered by other online booksellers. Price isn't the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also factor in shipping costs and delivery time when making their buying decision.

Online auctions are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons. A plus is that students can get incredible bargains when obtaining books via online auctions. One downside is that established retailers have channels in place to ensure that you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time. With an auction purchase, however, you are at the mercy of the auction seller's timetable.

One way that students can really save is by obtaining books for free. Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. At this site students can peruse a vast collection of classics that have entered the public domain. In the past students seeking assistance with their studies had to pay for the privilege of that help by purchasing study guides. Today that is no longer the case. Cash-strapped students can now visit Spark Notes for free downloadable study guides as well as free downloadable classics.

Students who elect to buy online will no longer be able to resell their books to the college bookstore at the end of class, but that doesn't mean that they are stuck with the textbooks. Many web sites that sell textbooks also offer students the option of selling their books to fellow bargain-seekers. This allows students to easily recouping a portion of their money.

Textbooks normally consume a major portion of a student's budget, but that doesn't have to be the case, because while the cost of tuition may be set in stone the price of textbooks isn't. By taking the time to do a little research on the best textbook values available college students can save money now rather than acquiring debt to be paid back later.